Our colleagues Liberty commissioned this important short film highlighting our recent work and the growing issues we and our guests face on the street as part of their Liberty Festival of Human Rights The film was made by the award-winning Tea Films
We encourage you to watch this film and consider coming out and joining us and our many partners to make a difference in your local area. Give a shift: Getinvolved@streetskitchen.org
In the seven years that Streets KItchen has been operating, we have never seen such a growing predictable crisis on our streets locally and across London. Particularly in Camden & Westminster, where we are encountering brutal hostility to those experiencing homelessness who are on the streets.
Recent illegal enforcement policies proposed by TFL and encouraged by Camden Council only serve to highlight the complete failure of local Councils and their commissioned homeless services in addressing the growing numbers of people arriving on the streets. Such cruel enforcement policies can never be acceptable. It can never be made a crime to have to sleep on the streets, that blame lies with the central government.

Independent: Transport for London evicting rough sleepers from public areas in potential breach of law
Already we have a complete lack of trust with commissioned homeless services and those they are meant to serve through their relationship with the home office.
We need Councils to be very clear on their current relationships with the home office & cease this with immediate effect with a clear commitment not to criminalise those experiencing homelessness as is occurring much too often in their boroughs.
Homelessness should never be a crime, the fact it exists should be.
Our work recently during this Covid pandemic has been made possible thanks to amongst many others:
The amazing humans that are our friends and volunteers Museum Of Homelessness The Outside Project The Simon Community Oxo Tower Restaurant, Bar and Brasserie, North Paddington Bank BreadAHead Marks&Spencer Boulevard Events London Hotel Group Streets Storage Highgate Newtown Community Centre Liberty Castlehaven Community Centre New Horizon Safe Store Pavement Groundswell Lambeth Larder ASDA IKEA Neighbourhood Organic British Library Streetwear Showerbox Streets Vet King Charles Pub Kings X Franco Manca Waste Not Want Not Healthy Living Platform Envol Studio Wenzels Gails Tiger Femme Fatale Tatoo Mosaic Clubhouse Maharaj Camden Dons Local Action Group, RCK, Merton Mutual Aid, Liz Holt Quakers Andy’s Taverna Ebury Lodge Hargrave Hall and so many many other amazing groups and individuals